
Spin columns(DNA/RNA/spin columns)

Spin columns(DNA/RNA/spin columns)

Product Description


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  • Details

    Spin columns provide  materials for the fast and convenient purification of a protein or protein  complex using affinity media. Immunoprecipitation or affinity pull-down methods  are a common way to perform small-scale purification of target molecules. Each  spin column fits securely in the supplied 2ml collection tubes for use in a  microcentrifuge. This product allowing for collection of the unbound wash, and  elution fractions per column.
    The  researcher needs only to supply the affinity media of choice. The addition of  the end caps with this product provides a convenient storage method for the  used column and can also be used for incubation without loss of sample.

    Convenient format for both use and storage.
    Available with 3, 4 or 5 layers of GF/F glass fiber membrane.
    Flat and frosted caps surface together with smooth and frosted body surface provide easy and legible mark.


    Rapid purification of PCR amplification products
    Recovery of DNA bands from agarose gel
    Plasmid DNA extraction
    Genomic DNA extraction
    RNA purification
    Isolation of specific DNA from reaction mixtures

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